01608 645556

Horses for Sale

Water Treadmill

  • Frame up
    Frame up
  • Roof on
    Roof on
  • Wall up and floor level
    Wall up and floor level
  • Sides on...almost there
    Sides on...almost there
  • Concrete down...just waiting for the treadmill and doors
    Concrete down...just waiting for the treadmill and doors

5 September 2017

We are just in the process of installing a new ECB water treadmill to Hull Farm.

We are really excited about this new facility which will allow us to exercise horses without having to use the gallops on a daily basis, a huge benefit to horses who  might have niggling problems and those recovering from injury. The ECB Water Treadmill is a new development which will allow horses to walk at a steady pace through icy water which helps build muscle, reduce swelling and increase blood flow. They are a fantastic piece of kit, we have had horses at Jamie Magee's in Lambourn all last season. Once the treadmill is installed and in use it will be terrific to bring it all in-house and to bring it into the horse's routine and use it on a more frequent basis. We have had a purpose buil lean to added to a barn by Magna Buildings which is almost finished.

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